About Us

Pastors Barry and Jan Hagerty serve as the Site Pastors for King’s Tucson. They have 6 children, 4 grandchildren, and recently celebrated 37 years of marriage. They have worked together in ministry for over 35 years, the past 6 1/2 years serving on staff at King’s Wasilla in Alaska. Both have their Master’s Degree in Biblical Theology.

Pastor Barry is from Tennessee, Pastor Jan is from Louisiana and they met in college. They carry a passion for Jesus that is contagious and a great desire for everyone to come to know how amazing and extraordinary the love of Christ is. The Hagerty’s are powerful communicators and preachers of God’s word, positioning themselves to be used by the Lord to create a community of believers that experience life with people, power, and purpose. A church community that is a place of worship where all people can encounter the life changing message of the Bible and God’s presence.

King’s is a network of one church in many locations. Over 600 extensions around the world, to be exact. Our story begins with Dr. James and Pastor Colleen Marocco, and the ministry of King’s Chapels and Cathedrals in Maui, HI. It continues through the work of King’s Alaska and the leadership of Pastors Daniel and Karen Bracken, of whom we are an extension.

Pastor Daniel has been on the staff of King’s Cathedral and Chapels since 1998.

During their years of ministry at King’s, he and his wife, Pastor Karen, have pastored on the islands of Maui, Moloka’i and Kaua’i. They have faithfully served as KC Alaska’s pastors for the past 13 years and also oversee our extensions in Bristol Bay, Eagle River, and Primrose. In the community of Wasilla, God has used the Brackens in a powerful way, bringing encouragement and hope to many.

Pastors Daniel and Karen have been married for twenty years. Their two children, Hannah and Daniel Jr, faithfully serve alongside their parents in ministry.

Our core values are to be a church that:

  • Loves God’s PEOPLE by being personal, encouraging, and equipping. Hebrews 10:24

  • Demonstrates God’s POWER through prayer, worship, and being Spirit-filled.  Acts 1:8

  • Fulfills God’s PURPOSE through serving, impacting, and multiplying. Romans 8:28

The vision for KC in this season is inspired by Isaiah 54:2:

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”

As we enlarge, stretch, lengthen, and strengthen, we are believing to have a total of 1,200 congregations ministering to 120,000 people worldwide by May 2025.

Our Fundamental Truths (click on link to read in detail) consist of the 16 doctrines of KC that are non-negotiable tenets of faith to which all King’s Cathedral and Chapel churches adhere. We believe the words of 2 Timothy 3:16-17,

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

This Statement of Fundamental Truths is intended simply as a basis of fellowship among us (i.e., that we all speak the same thing, 1 Corinthians 1:10; Acts 2:42). This Statement of Faith does not cover all Biblical truth, only these fundamental doctrines.

The phraseology employed in this statement is not inspired but the truth set forth is, and is essential to the maintaining of a full-gospel ministry. This assembly accepts the Holy Scriptures as the revealed will of God, the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice, and for the purpose of maintaining general unity, adopts the Statement of Fundamental Truths, with the awareness that in the event of a controversy the Senior Pastoral Leadership of King’s Cathedral and Chapels will be the final authority on the Bible’s meaning and application for the Church.

In 1980, I had the marvelous privilege of being led by God to Maui to pastor First Assembly of God, Kahului, in a congregation of 100 people. The first Sunday in May, our first official service as the pastor, the church doubled. Within a year it had grown to 700 people attending the Sunday morning service. Although the chapel on Kane Street was expanded in attempts to accommodate the growth, God opened the door for us to secure the Maui Skate Palace, which became our new home in 1982.

In 1983, God spoke a word to me that changed my life and our church forever. He said, “Just as the mayor of Maui County is the mayor of three islands, I want you to pastor three islands.” Shortly after we expanded to multiple congregations on Maui. That year we started our first extension on Moloka’i, soon to be followed by an extension on Lana’i. The building of extensions has led us to the concept of being one church in many locations.

In 1984, God spoke to me to secure fourteen acres on the most trafficked corner of Maui. Ten years later, after numerous miracles, we moved into our new church home, the largest church facility in the state.

In 1995 we were hit by a major move of God, which followed in 1996 with the opening of the first extension outside of Maui County in Honoka’a, Hawai’i. With rapid succession, extensions opened in Kaua’i, Alaska, Tahiti, California, Japan, and Seattle. By 2005, we were in the 12/12/12 Vision, believing God to be in 12 Nations, 12 locations in the continental U.S., and 12 new extensions in Hawai’i.

In 2010, the vision grew and we embraced the 120/20 Vision, believing to be in one church with 120 congregations ministering to 20,000 people weekly by May 2015. God is doing this miracle right before our eyes. We are now in 13 nations: Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, French Polynesia, Tonga, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Chile, Spain, and Mozambique.

We are now in many locations throughout the United States: Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Arkansas, and Missouri.

The vision has come from God and what He has done to bring it about is absolutely amazing! I am thankful we have had the privilege of being co-laborers together with God. I look forward to seeing the 1-2-3 Vision fulfilled and the miracles that will take place as we labor to complete.

Dr. James Marocco
Senior Pastor
King’s Cathedral & Chapels